Bodystat Windows Software
All devices have Windows software compatible with Windows 10, which can be downloaded to a PC through a URL and a specific certificate file or serial key associated with your own Bodystat device. The touch screen devices communicate with the software via USB and provide useful tracking information to show trends, graphs, Framingham Cardiac risk chart and goal weight and timeline motivational page.
This software has been created by you, as we have listened to our customer’s need in an ever evolving market and launched the latest Bodystat software with new features and more user friendly interfaces.
The Windows software is designed to enhance your experience as a Bodystat user. The software will graphically display the results in graphs and track trends over time.
- Email feature to send reports immediately in a variety of formats including pdf, xls, xlsx, csv, mht, html, text, image, xps files
- Customise reports by adding your own company logo, name and contact details
- Export input and result data to Excel, xml or csv
- Results are downloaded ensuring data integrity protection
- Onscreen colour graphs and printout reports
- Group filter to allow easy analysis of results
- Trending reports to track change
- Ability to key in other physiological measurements such as heart rate, glucose, cholesterol, grip strength, lung function within one report
- Available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Polish & Mandarin Chinese
Bodystat 1500 Touch - Body Manager 1500 Software
Our latest Software release comes as a fresh, more user friendly package
that is available to purchase separately, or with the 1500 touch Deluxe
Pack as a bundle. Included within the new Software is:
- USB Connectivity (Cable included)
- Download data instantly from your device
- Body Composition Simplified & Professional Reports
- Health Report (Cardiac Risk)
- Weight Loss Report
- Physiology Report
- Trending reports and graphs to track changes over time.
The ultimate Software for tracking your client’s progress!

Bodystat 1500 - Body Manager 1500
Available as an optional extra to the Bodystat 1500 device
- Summary Lite Report
- Body Composition Professional Report
- Health Report (Cardiac Risk)
- Weight Loss Report
- Physiology Report
- Trending reports to track change
Bodystat 1500MDD - Body Manager Pro
Included with your Bodystat 1500MDD device, the Body Manager Pro Software Program:
- Body Composition Professional Report
- Body Composition Simplified Report
- Hydration Report
- Health Report (Cardiac Risk)
- Weight Loss Report
- Physiology Report
- Trending reports to track change
Quadscan 4000 – Body Manager Platinum
The Quadscan 4000 includes the Platinum software with the device:
- Body Composition Professional Report
- Hydration Report
- Health Report (Cardiac Risk)
- Weight Loss Report
- Physiology Report
- Advanced Report
- BIVA (Bio Impedance Vector Analysis)
- Trending graphs for all of the above
Multiscan 5000 – BIAS BIS Software
The Multiscan 5000 includes the BIAS BIS software with the device:
- Body Composition Professional Report
- Hydration Report
- Health Report (Cardiac Risk)
- Weight Loss Report
- Physiology Report
- Advanced Report – BIVA (Bio Impedance Vector Analysis)
- Open Research
- Advanced Trend
- Trending Graphs
Software Reports Summary
Printout on the subject’s body composition results (Bodystat 1500 only)
Includes printout on the subject’s body composition results and additional trending history reports, allowing the user to track lean/fat ratios, water and impedance values over a period of time.
Includes a 1 page report of an individual’s hydrational results and additional trending history reports. Allowing the user to track Water, ECW, ICW, etc over a period of time. (Bodystat 1500MDD, QuadScan and MultiScan only)
Assessment of health status relating to lifestyle with facility to play “What If?” scenarios on the computer screen. Factors include smoking, blood pressure, cholesterol & diabetes. The screen displays the effects of lifestyle changes colourfully on screen. This provides the subject with an immediate incentive to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Allows a user to develop a series of exercises in order to determine the amount of kilocalories these will burn. This adjustment may then be incorporated into a user’s own diet program. Goal weight and projected
targets from the wide selection of activities may be set.
Prints a detailed physiology report where the user can track trends for heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, waist-hip, VO2 Max, flexibility, grip strength, glucose and lung function.
Allows the user to print the BIVA graphs and raw data values for impedance, resistance and reactance. The advanced report also displays the trend graphs for the impedance, phase angle and prediction marker (Quadscan & Multiscan only)
Allows the user to print a trend report of the raw data values for impedance at 5, 50, 100, 200 and 1000 kHz. The advanced report also displays the Prediction Marker, as well as alternative ratios and the Characteristic Frequency (Multiscan only).
Allows the user to print a trend report of Weight, Dry Lean, Skeletal Muscle Mass, ECW, ICW, OHY, Cell Membrane Capacitance, Phase angle and Prediction Marker (Multiscan only).
Please download the relevant software info.
Instructions to Download BIAS Software for the Quadscan 4000
Instructions to Download BIAS BIS Software for the Multiscan 5000